(Don Henry/Steve Nelson)
Poppermost Music/Nelsounds/SESAC
The yard’s a quilt of red and gold
Let’s rake it to the sky
And take a plunge right in to the kaleidoscopic eye
‘Cause It’s Fall Y’all – It’s Fall Y’all
Summer took a trip and slipped right into fall y’all
Total Pumpkinicity, a Halloweenic buzz
Zombiefried on candy corn and Ghoulogized because...
It’s Fall Y’all – It’s Fall Y’all
Summer took a trip and slipped right into fall y’all
Come and join us at the harvest ball, y’all
Rings around the sun
We’re all just stardust when it’s said and done
We’ll sing a song about how longer nights
Are not for keeps
The shorter days give us a way
To catch up on some sleep
‘Cause It’s Fall Y’all – It’s Fall Y’all
Summer took a trip and slipped right into fall y’all
Come and join us at the harvest ball, y’all
Rings around the sun
We’re all just stardust when it’s said and done
Fronda Alley/Harmony Vocals
Jon Vezner/String Arrangement
Don Henry/Jon Vezner)
(Poppermost Music/Jon Vezner Music/SESAC)
When the raven breaks the quiet of a twilight afternoon
And the shadows crawl and creep
Across the crosses and the tombs
Among those old stones
That’s where I like to walk alone and think
As the old ghosts pass along their wisdom with a wink
The Garden of the Dead - The Garden of the Dead
When the land of the living is so unforgiving
That’s where I go to clear my head
The Garden of the Dead
Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Zachariah, Lorelei
Philomena, in between Evangeline and Mordecai
They console me when I’m down and drowning
In this world of hurt
They know me more than any soul
On this side of the dirt
Now some say the older that I get I get more weird
But it’s okay ‘cause all the apparitions dig me here
Here where I feel a sense of deep serenity
Planted below this shady grove of family trees
Molly Pruett Henry/Harmony Vocals
Mickey Grimm/Drums
Don Henry
(Poppermost Music/SESAC)
I love the moon - I love the moon
In scarlet skies or black lagoons
Cold, clear, or smeared in gloom
I love the moon
I love the crow - I love the crow
On power lines, in picture shows
Edgar Allan Poe would know
I love the crow
I love the wind - I love the wind
Through stalks of corn, whistling hymns
Through centuries of leaves and skin
I love the wind
I love the moon - I love the moon
From lovers’ lane to nursery room
Wax, wane or dark as doom
I love the moon
Kim Richey/Harmony Vocals
Diane Perry/Violins
Mickey Grimm/Drums
Don Henry/Pat Buchanan
(Poppermost Music/Pat B. Music
admin. by Words And Music Songs/SESAC)
Sun, sun go away, I like it when the skies are gray
Sun, sun go away, I like it when the skies are gray
And I can watch the afternoon clouded by an old familiar gloom
My lonely, long, lost friend
Where mockingbirds and willows weep in harmonies that lull me off to sleep
Where nightmares never end
Moon, moon, shine so bright I like it when you cry at night
Moon, moon, shine so bright I like it when you cry at night
Every tear’s a drop of blood washing every fear I‘ve ever loved
A picture, perfect hell
Of mournful moans and primal screams, where melancholy reigns supreme,
A place where death’s alive and living well
Sun, sun go away, I like it when the skies are gray
I feel the pain of every soul that this life has left out in the cold
Fog, fog thick as thieves love it when you cover me
Fog, fog thick as thieves love it when you cover me
Sweeney Todd, Norman Bates, welcoming you at the graveyard gates
It’s such a chill to have you here!
No matter when you’re right on time
For guillotines and strychnine wine
It’ll always be that time of year around here
Sun, sun go away, I like it when the skies are gray
Moon, moon, shine so bright I like it when you cry at night
Fog, fog thick as thieves love it when you cover me
Pat Buchanan/Acoustic Slide Guitar & Harmony Vocal
Warren Zevon/Leroy Marinell/Waddy Wachtel
(Universal Music Publishing Group, Music & Media Int'l, Inc)
I saw a Werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Walking through the streets of SoHo in the rain
He was looking for the place called Lee Ho Fork's
For to get a big dish of Beef Chow Mein
Ah-wooo, Werewolves of London
You hear him howling around your kitchen door
Better not let him in
Little old lady got mutilated late last night
Werewolves of London again
Ah-wooo, Werewolves of London
He's the hairy-handed gent who ran amok in Kent
Lately he's been overheard in Mayfair
You better stay away from him he'll rip your lungs out Jim
I'd like to meet his tailor
Ah-wooo, Werewolves of London
I saw Lon Chaney walking with the Queen
Doin' the Werewolves of London
I saw Lon Chaney Jr. walking with the Queen
Doin' the Werewolves of London
I saw a Werewolf drinkin' a Pina Colada at Trader Vic's
And his hair was perfect!
​Ah-wooo, Werewolves of London
Jessie, Dylan & Molly Pruett Henry/Vocals
Anne & Eli Pruett/Vocals
Don Henry/Mike Moran
(Poppermost Music/SESAC)
Here I am once again
Breaking bread with old, old friends
It’s as if we never went away
A crooked line curls down the street
But Lilly always saves my seat here at the R.I.P. Café
And in that booth I never wait for
Freddie leaves his crumbs and paper
Same old forgotten, rotten news today
Unfunny funnies numb the head
Viagra adds to raise the dead here at the R.I.P. Café
There’s a bleakness in the coffee cups
The sunny sides are never up
Is that a piece of Maurice’s toupee?
That cook has been around you know
From Genghis Kahn to Shoeless Joe here at the R.I.P. Café
The jukebox is an ala cart
Of steel guitars and cold, cold hearts
Draggin’ and skippin’ as it plays
The ceiling fan is doing time
There’s no parole for pushing grime here at the R.I.P. Café
There’s a grayness to the clientele
And the cheesecake on the carousel
Who’ll be the first one to decay?
Twenty some odd years ago
The health inspector sold his sold here at the R.I.P. Café
Stripes of sunshine pierce the blinds
But Lilly drops the drapes in time
Before old Vladimir disappears and flies away
Stoker, Shelley, H.G. Wells with lots of time and tales to tell
Here at the RIP Café
There’s a two-way mirror at the bar
A negative of where we are
In laughing, living color on display
To emphasize the skin and bones
That shuffle round in grayscale tones here at the R.I.P. Café
So here I sit chin in hand a ghoul with gruel a starving man
I guess you get for what you pay
I could settle-up and wait for change
But everything remains the same here at the R.I.P. Café
Don Henry/Craig Carothers
WBM Music Corp./SESAC/Irving Music Inc./Luxurious Music/BMI
Violets and Belladonna around her room
I lie here spellbound on a gray afternoon
A late afternoon
She loves me not, she loves me
I’m a feather on her whim
I can’t wait ‘til
We’re together once again
And time stands still
She love’s me not, she loves me
It’s understood
And I’ll always stay because we’ve got it so good
Yeah, it’s so good
Outside the leaves are burning
Outside the leaves are burning
The moon appears
Soon she will be returnin’, the moment is near
The moment is here
Molly Pruett Henry/Vocal
Diane Perry/Violin
Traditional: Arrangement by Don Henry
(Poppermost Music/SESAC)
Do you ever think as a hearse goes by
That you could be the next to die
Slip on some soap, choke on a bone
Or fall in a wishing well cold and alone
They wrap you up in a cheap white sheet
And plan to bury you six feet deep
They put you in a pinewood box
Then cover you up with dirt and rocks
Then enzymes in the pancreas
Cause that organ to self-digest
Your lungs expel green fluid through
Your mouth, your nose and your eyeballs too
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
The worms play pinochle on your snout
They eat your toenails, tongue and hat
They dig in skinny and crawl out fat
And when your bones begin to rot
The worms remain but you do not
Your brain turns into maggot pie
Your liver starts to liquify
And for all the living, all is well
As you decompose in a gruesome hell
But don’t despair cause up above
You’re pushing up daisies for children to love
Eli Pruett/Ghoul Voice
Don Henry
(Poppermost Music/SESAC)
There’s a Light On The Lawn
(there’s a light on the lawn)
Eerie Light On The Lawn
(eerie light on the lawn)
(whirling, swirling.............all glowing, all knowing)
(blue & green, long & lean)
There’s a Light On The Lawn
(eerie light on the lawn)
They’ll be gone in the dawn
They’ll be gone when the dawn comes
Dylan Henry/Alien Ship Whistling
Don Henry/Jack Marshall/Bob Osher
(Poppermost Music/SESAC
Halloween Night when everything is bright
Candy and toys for every girl and boy
Here come the ghosts, goblins, witches too
Here come the ghosts, goblins, witches too
Here come the skeleton - he’s gonna get you!
Jessie, Dylan & Molly Pruett Henry/Vocals
Anne & Eli Pruett/Vocals
Don Henry/Debby Throckmorton
(Poppermost Music/SESAC/Throckstar Publishing/ASCAP)
Loretta and Bill were driving until a big creepy hill
Hit their Seville in the grill and it fell all apart
They walked into town where a two-headed clown
Followed ‘em ‘round without a sound
But the pound, pound, pound of their hearts
Goryville, Goryville – A carnivore carnival
From town to town it’s thrills and chills
They have a show that really kills!
They followed their fate
To a tent with a gate on a hillside of hate
Where the children await the late, great Mr. Smiles
The dear little things were chewing on brains
And other remains of all the unnamed
They had slain, drained and defiled
Goryville, Goryville – A carnivore carnival
From town to town it’s thrills and chills
They have a show that really kills!
Loretta let out a gasp
The children all cheered and clapped
Mr. Smile let out a sinister laugh
As he gutted her lovely sweet little Bill in half!
The morning arrives in a lavender sky
For the raven to fly in a breeze blowing by
But silencing sighs are all of last night that remain
Yeah, the only debris of the festivities
Were some Cadillac keys lost to the leaves
In a frost and a freeze that nobody sees or reclaims
So if you’re into balloons or killer costumes
Or humans exhumed - a freakshow of doom
It’s coming soon to a bloody moon near you
Yeah, it’s coming around, a two-headed clown,
Ravenous sounds, a scary-go-round, a burial ground
To a quaint little town near you!
Simone Kaset/Vocal on “Ring-Around-The-Rosies”
Diane Perry/Violins
Anne & Eli Pruett/Children Sounds
Molly Pruett Henry & Dylan Henry/Children Sounds
Don Henry
(Poppermost Music/SESAC)
Trick or treat streets and ghouls with sacks
Loaded with sweets and eats and snacks
Wishing you all A Jolly Halloween
Bobbing for apples, musical chairs
Ouija board séance, truth or dare
Wishing you all A Jolly Halloween
Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, Christopher Lee
Bela Lugosi, Peter Cushing, Peter Lorre
Freddie, Jason, Michael, Chucky
Nightmare attack
Carved into your memories
Like a big grin glow from Lantern ‘O Jack!
Moon light and campfires, songs and s’mores
A romance of vampires, lore of yore
Wishing you all A Jolly Halloween
TP a car, a house, a tree
Play in the graveyard ‘til three thirty-three
Wishing you all A Jolly Halloween
Molly Felder/Harmony Vocal & Clarinet
Dave Wulfeck/Trombone
Mickey Grimm/Drums
Don Henry/Mike Moran
(Poppermost Music/SESAC)
Scarecrow staring in the wind
Shadows growing long and thin
Blackbird singing in the trees
The death knell of the summer leaves
La, la, la, la - la, la, lie
Beautiful Goodbye, Beautiful Goodbye
Geese form an arrow pointing south
Sunset sittin’ on the house
Bonfire crackling in the night
September's giving up her fight
La, la, la, la - la, la, lie
Beautiful Goodbye, Beautiful Goodbye
A cornucopia - a golden Utopia
Fading into an auburn sky
Pumpkins a-grinnin’ soon
Beneath the harvest moon
Don't let that yearning pass you by
Darlin’ stoke the fireplace
Our team is in a pennant race
If they blow it, baby wipe your eyes
Next year we get another try
La, la, la, la - la, la, lie
Beautiful Goodbye, Beautiful Goodbye
Kathy Mattea/Harmony Vocals
Diane Perry/Violins
Jon Vezner/String Arrangement